
Showing posts with the label it automation tools

Top 10 Open Source Software Test Automation Tools in 2020

  Software development practices change once in a while, so do the tools and technologies. Those changes aim to enhance quality, productivity, customer satisfaction, address ever-shorter delivery time and deliver successful services and products. Software testing plays an essential role in achieving these goals.   The open-source test automation tool s are the occurrence of new trends and innovation consumed within the software industry. Test automation tools are increasing rapidly because of the necessity to enhance aspects such as productivity, customer satisfaction, and quality. Solutions such as DevOps and Agile can be used to achieve the benefits. The usage of the best test automation tools is significant and vital in DevOps. These tools can also apply artificial intelligence and machine learning. Testing tools support automation evaluation.      Intelli SWAUT   IntelliSWAUT is a continuous   scriptless   testing automation p...