How IT Staff Augmentation model can make the business process easy?
What is Staff Augmentation? Staff augmentation is an outsourcing strategy in which the in premise team within the company is augmented by hiring qualified resources on a short, middle, and long term basis to meet peculiar business goals. Hiring full-time workers just for short-term jobs end up costing the enterprise considerably more in the long run. Conventional outsourcing processes and managed services have a higher risk associated with them. You should have a proper strategy to outsource your project. Staff augmentation is the best choice. It merges the reliability of full-time tasks with the flexibility of project outsourcing. The popularity of IT Staff Augmentation Companies The largest enterprises understand the benefits of the cooperation model. Most of the companies build remote dedicated teams for the outsourced business. This shows the popularity of IT staff augmentation companies in the market. So, without a dou...