How IT Staff Augmentation model can make the business process easy?


IT Staff Augmentation services

What is Staff Augmentation?


Staff augmentation is an outsourcing strategy in which the in premise team within the company is augmented by hiring qualified resources on a short, middle, and long term basis to meet peculiar business goals.


 Hiring full-time workers just for short-term jobs end up costing the enterprise considerably more in the long run. Conventional outsourcing processes and managed services have a higher risk associated with them. You should have a proper strategy to outsource your project. Staff augmentation is the best choice. It merges the reliability of full-time tasks with the flexibility of project outsourcing.


The popularity of IT Staff Augmentation Companies 


The largest enterprises understand the benefits of the cooperation model. Most of the companies build remote dedicated teams for the outsourced business. This shows the popularity of IT staff augmentation companies in the market. So, without a doubt, this trend is gaining popularity and will grow continually.


Benefits of Using IT StaffAugmentation Services


  IT staff outsourcing is so popular nowadays as there are many benefits associated with it. Let's have a look at the advantages:

  • Access to the rare and needed specialists
  • Lower operational costs
  • Flexibility
  • Lower development costs
  • Less recruitment headache
  • Less legal headache
  • Increased output and team size


How can the Staff Augmentation model enhance your business without any difficulty?


Closing the skill gap


Enterprises that lack IT talents in their locality can hire software programmers outside of the locality. Main outsourcing destinations are generally countries with a massive number of developers. Figuring out a rare expert will be more comfortable in this area.


Reduce recruitment time


Experts with rare skills and tech stack are hard to find for in-house employment. An enterprise may face losses if recruitment takes months. Thus, IT staff augmentation helps to hire the required experts from any part of the world at a specific time.


Reduce the costs of in-house employment


Augmented staff is generally hired in areas where developer rates are cheaper than in the company's home country. This vast difference in average rates helps to lessen development rates.


Cut operational costs


Domestic employees cost a company much more than outsourced staff does. Though vendors charge the fee that incorporates service costs, the prices are still lower in the outsourcing countries. Thus the company can avoid paying money for internet bills, office rental, tools, furniture, etc.


Added flexibility


IT Staff Augmentation model makes it simpler to hire developers at the time when the company requires them, not only in peak times.


Avoid documentation and legal procedures.


The vendor takes legal responsibility for the offshore team, and you are free from taking the employees' commitment. Since payroll, accounting, and contract forms, everything goes on to the service provider, your attention towards the organization's core processes will not get distracted.


How Does IT Staff Augmentation Process Work?


The staff augmentation process is not complicated and quite simple in most enterprises that include three main steps:


1.Identification of the skill gap


Identifying the right person is the first stage of this process. The enterprise defines the skill gap and the experience details and contacts the outsourced company to find the required programmers.


2.Onboarding of recruited staff


Once the required experts are identified and hired by the company, they go through the onboarding process. They get familiar with the in-house team, acquainted themselves with core technical concepts, and go into the client's work environment.


3.Nurturing of augmented staff


This is the final stage where the hired expert gets trained according to the project's skill sets. It includes continuous learning in the core concepts. Nurturing augmented staff will result in delivering exceptional value on their projects.


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