
Importance of Automated Regression Testing in SDLC

  Regression Testing is a testing process includes in software testing. Regression testing is the process of testing existing software applications to ensure a change or addition has not broken any existing functionality. Before making a change, a program is tested. After a change is made, the program is retested in required areas to detect whether the change created new bugs or problems, or if the intended change fulfilled its intended purpose.   To achieve efficient Regression Testing, consider the following:   what test-cases must be executed; what must be enhanced and changed in the test-cases; when it is mandatory to implement regression testing of the system; what and how should be automated; what is required to perform the automated testing;   Regression Testing vs. Retesting   Retesting   Retesting is performed to authenticate or confirm that the failed test cases in the final execution are clearing after fixing the de...

What is Two-Factor Authentication throughout Magneto?

  During this crisis, all the leading digital solution companies have adopted remote working. And remote working isn’t comfortable when it comes to the security of systems. There are specific challenges companies have to face when working remotely. Attackers may target on the login page, which leads to system hacks when working remotely. According to recent research, 81% of the attacks are in the form of breaches because of weak passwords. Magento has implemented the 2FA (two-factor authentication) through the development phase of the Magento ecosystem, thereby avoiding these increasing threats.  2FA (two-factor authentication) secures your online store from the hackers and attackers that target your store’s login page. Thus, with the help of 2FA (two-factor authentication), you can safeguard your store from the hackers trying to use the unauthorized logins in your three separate fields: Magento Admin, Cloud Admin, and accounts. 2FA FOR MAGENTO.COM ACCOUNTS ...

Top Drupal 8 migration tips that you needed to know before you start

  If your enterprise is deciding to move from  Drupal 7 to Drupal 8 , be prepared to embrace Drupal 8 migration. The principal task of migrating all your content and data is easier if you have properly planned and prepared. Since its release, Drupal 8 has been the city’s talk, and it is not just its features but the process of migration alongside which brings it to the front. We have outlined some tips here that you need to take care of – for a successful  Drupal 8 migration . The necessity of Drupal 7 to 8 migration? Drupal 7 is gloaming. According to researches, it will reach its end of life by 2021. Drupal 8 is a contracting software product from Drupal 6 & 7 versions. It comprises of a full load of world-class technology and features. So, it is a good idea to upgrade from  Drupal 7 to 8 now. The following are a few crucial tips that you needed to know for a smooth migration: Be prepared to migrate modules Remember, it is a complicated process. Therefore, it...

How IT Staff Augmentation model can make the business process easy?

  What is Staff Augmentation?   Staff augmentation is an outsourcing strategy in which the in premise team within the company is augmented by hiring qualified resources on a short, middle, and long term basis to meet peculiar business goals.    Hiring full-time workers just for short-term jobs end up costing the enterprise considerably more in the long run. Conventional outsourcing processes and managed services have a higher risk associated with them. You should have a proper strategy to outsource your project. Staff augmentation is the best choice. It merges the reliability of full-time tasks with the flexibility of project outsourcing.   The popularity of IT Staff Augmentation Companies    The largest enterprises understand the benefits of the cooperation model. Most of the companies build remote dedicated teams for the outsourced business. This shows the popularity of IT staff augmentation companies in the market. So, without a dou...

Top 10 Open Source Software Test Automation Tools in 2020

  Software development practices change once in a while, so do the tools and technologies. Those changes aim to enhance quality, productivity, customer satisfaction, address ever-shorter delivery time and deliver successful services and products. Software testing plays an essential role in achieving these goals.   The open-source test automation tool s are the occurrence of new trends and innovation consumed within the software industry. Test automation tools are increasing rapidly because of the necessity to enhance aspects such as productivity, customer satisfaction, and quality. Solutions such as DevOps and Agile can be used to achieve the benefits. The usage of the best test automation tools is significant and vital in DevOps. These tools can also apply artificial intelligence and machine learning. Testing tools support automation evaluation.      Intelli SWAUT   IntelliSWAUT is a continuous   scriptless   testing automation p...

Enterprise Resource Planning System: Enterprise Business Solutions

Enterprise mobility solution is a well-organized structure consisting of the solutions to the on-going problems. Here you will get an idea about what exactly is the enterprise mobility plan. Below are the 3 essential concepts of Enterprise Mobility Solutions. • To strategize and deliver information where it is needed and when it is needed •  Integrate innovation, people and processes  for effective and systematic delivery of the core business functionalities to the various business units present within the company • Aims at providing solutions to multiple existing problems of the  enterprise related to developing and also the delivery of mobile application s. Enterprise mobility services  allow companies to build  mobilized workforces  that can power up productivity, enhance customer experience, and increase sales. This is important for today’s enterprise to survive in technology-driven transformative culture and handle challenges nowadays effectively. Sun ...

How Outsourced Help Desk Services Can Support your Business?

  Outsourcing can solve various business complexities. It offers a fast route to mobility management by reducing costs. IT outsourcing is a vast category, and the help desk denotes only a minor but necessary part of it. Most of the companies outsource help desk services as the top priority and enjoy the benefits of outsourcing. Outsourcing to   24X7X365 Service Desk Support   makes free time for your IT staff and therefore permits them to concentrate on revenue-generating ideas and strategic operations. This makes the specialists handle clients' issues using the latest technology to provide support solutions more efficiently.   What Can an Outsourced It Firm Offer Your Business? Think about the small things that your employees need to remain productive every day. Each employee within your organization has a workstation with a PC, an operating system, an email account, a printer or scanner, application software, and an internet connection. This is the general jo...